We have been married for 28 years and for that entire time I dreamed of selling everything and living anywhere we wanted in a Motorhome. Jill always homeschooled the kids, so It didn’t matter to me. Take the kids with us and lets go! Ultimately it worked out after the 4 left home, but I really would have liked to have experience it all with them if for just a few years.
On Monday Feb 9th, 2015 I got the call. My offer was accepted on a 2004 National Tropi-cal 37 foot diesel pusher with 17k miles. Only problem was, it was sitting in Washington State and we live in Lindale Texas. 2 days later, we were on an airplane headed to Portland Oregon to pick up the Coach. Yup, 2 days later we were headed to pick up a 37 foot Motorhome and neither of us have ever driven one. Jill (what the heck are we thinking?) Just get on the plane baby, its our time! LOL
We landed on Thursday morning in a blinding rain storm. Little did we know that the worst storm of the year was bearing down on the North West.
To be continued.
Smokin Hot… I didn’t know you homeschooled your kids. Could I PLEASE send Jonathan to you and you can take him on your excursions and home school him for me?! 😀